Monday, November 10, 2014

The Importance of Laughter

It is just so important to laugh. I really don't have a lot of really cool spiritual stories this week, but i do have a few funnies.
-had to go to the walk-in clinic with sister gowans because she was having abdominal pain. the doctor then sent us to the ER that night. we had to spend the night with the Victoria 2nd sisters and i didn't have pajamas. sister gowans was angry we had to go.
-the doctor at the ER sent sister gowans to get an ultrasound. apparently when you go in to get ultrasounds they make you drink 4 tall glasses of water before you go in. now, sister gowans has about the tiniest bladder in the whole world and the whole time we were there she was just about to cry while i was laughing hysterically at the whole situation. we still haven't heard back from the people, but sister gowans is a trooper and seems to be doing fine even though she said her insides are slowly going numb. probably not very good. but it'll all work out.
-walking through the woods yesterday we met a man who told us he couldn't tell us what his own religion believed, but proceeded to analyze every single word i was using like i would say "i have a testimony of Jesus Christ." then he would say "what is a testimony?" and "you weren't even there when Jesus Christ lived." it was just very annoying but really funny.
-knocked on this door. British lady opens it and says "i don't want any Bible thumping today thank you." and was about to close the door when I say "we're actually talking to people about the Book of Mormon today, have you heard of it?" and she says "of course i have, IT'S RUBBISH." *cue door slam* and we walked away laughing our tails off because it has been our life dream to hear a British person use the word rubbish in real life rather than just seeing it on Harry Potter. #lifemade
-our new investigator A. made us a parking spot in front of his house with a sign that says "saints" (see first picture below) it was so funny.
it was basically just a very crazy funny week and i love being a missionary(: telly ho! the church is true.
love always, sister brittany larsen(:

-went to dinner last night with the Harris family, and their little boy made me this braided string thing so i used it as a headband. #rockin'it

-albert's sign for us

-got enough pumpkins?

-rocks and mints in my bag. some fake bugs in there too. #missionarylife

-gorgeous sooke

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