Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Porchiest Porch There Ever Was

It was a cold winter's night in Sooke, B.C. Sister Gowans and Sister Larsen were as gung-ho as could be, just tracting right along. The first 12 people of the night they had talked to had been oh-so-kind. It was extremely dark as they walked to this old-looking house, laughing and talking as they do all the days. They walked up this semi-sketchy looking set of stairs, but they had seen much worse-looking porches on their missions, after all, they had been out for 15 and 17 months without anything too terrible happening to them on scary-looking porches. They knocked on the door. Waited. No one was home. They left a lovely Vancouver Temple Card in the door. Sister Larsen was half a step in front of Sister Gowans, she stepped onto the first step and was about to step onto the second step, when all of a sudden...*CRASH BOOM BANG SPLAT* we had landed on the ground, laughing our tails off. We escaped with minor bumps and bruises and probably a slight case of whiplash, but it was all good fun. luckily the house was abandoned, so we don't have to pay to fix someone's porch lol good times on the mish. good times.
In other news, 'C.' is still progressing towards baptism on November 29th(: keep him in your prayers(: love you all!!

love always, sister brittany anne larsen

-porch #2

-couch anyone?

-my lovely companion(:

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