Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Oh my goodness everyone. So, this past week has been so crazy and so incredible and I can hardly even describe it. So, I got transferred. I got transferred to this tiny cute little area called SOOKE!!! It's on the island and it's so beautiful. Luckily, I have pictures, but it still does not do it justice at all. This week during finding time was probably the most adventurous times I've had on my mission so far. Let me just give you a little taste of what went on. So, everyone that lives in Sooke has THEE LONGEST DRIVEWAYS EVER. Seriously. It's like a 7-10 minute walk from the road to someone's house. It's crazy. and the driveways are all uphill, at least I'll get some awesome leg muscle workouts! haha so, everyone lives up in the boons, so as we find there are deer all around us, a deer was like 15 feet away from me at one point, and we ate wild blackberries as we walked (more like "hiked"). Oh and the drive ways? most of them are NOT paved. so i almost fell on my behind a few times due to the steepness of the incline and the looseness of the dirt and pebbles lol then there was a dog that followed us while we walked. saw some peacocks. someone gave us a giant zucchini. Went finding basically right next to the ocean while still being in the woods (seriously guys, this area is the best) and it just was awesome. oh, my new companion is Sister Han. She is from Taiwan and is so cute. she's having us all go to China Town today(: #sostoked she is teaching me Chinese. it's basically the best thing ever. also, we have heated tile floors in our apartment in the washroom so it's awesome. oh, and washroom means bathroom, for those of you who aren't Canadian. The Ferry ride over to the island was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. perfect weather. quite windy though, but it was great(: the area here is awesome, we have some great members and recent converts. can't wait to tell you all my adventures next week(: 再見 (goodbye) in Chinese(: haha my comp. is awesome. love you all! xoxo
love always, sister brittany larsen(:

-me and sister han(:

-gorgeous view

-the woods


-of course i pulled over to get a picture with the peacocks!! they were in their element!

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